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You must be interested in essential oils if you've found this page!

Hi. My name is Lorin Janae and I'm an oil addict! Yes it's true, I diffuse every single day of my life and find an oil for anything I possibly have going on! Let me tell you a little more about myself. I am 36 years young, Married to my high school sweet heart, with no children & three spoiled kitties. I love all things colorful and artsy.

As a Massage Therapist, I truly believe in Listening to what your body is telling you. This goes beyond, masking symptoms but trying to find the cause of your symptoms, and then, finding a solution. In my practice, I use Young Living essential oils to help with the process of relaxation and to ease tension or uplift your spirits! Especially after a stressful work day or work week, my clients love that added therapeutic aroma of Stressaway Essential Oil blend, or Panaway.

Why did I start using Essential oils?

Simply put, they made me feel great! I was NEVER a skeptic. In fact I loved using oils and didn't know why. One day it occurred to me, "Hey these oils are actually helping me, I feel energized. I can get through my day and I feel so positive!" I have had my struggle with keeping a positive attitude and my oils help with whole body wellness. I use my oils in conjunction with eating a balanced diet, getting adequate exercise, and of course, Regular Massage sessions!

Why do I use Young Living Essential Oils?

I admit, I did not always use Young Living Essential oils. I've tried many different brands and I can honestly say, Young Living Essential Oils work THE BEST. They just do. Now over time, I can usually tell when an oil is not so pure just by smelling it. Knowing about Young Living's Seed to Seal Guarantee, is what has given me the confidence to know that I am using the most pure, therapeutic grade oils and not some made up, synthetic blend. When I opened my first bottle of Young Living Essential Oil, I was sold! The smell is so pure and unlike any other. My personal favorites are Lavender And Frankincense. (Both come with your Premium Starter Kit) I use these together in my diffuser or topically, for both spiritual grounding and relaxation. I feel positive, relaxed & focused. I will NEVER be without these two oils! My home is now a place of serenity & calm.

It only takes 26 seconds for products you put on your skin to reach your blood stream.

That's it. 26 seconds. This is part of my WHY for using Young Living Products. In 2014 alone, I was in the hospital having 5 different surgeries. I had a severe case of Endometriosis. I had been battling this disease for over 24 years because, well....Doctors. No offense to the good ones! Through doing my own research, I came across a lot of natural alternatives for pain relief. They talked about all the chemicals, toxins & carcinogens used to make today's products and how they wreak so much havoc on our bodies including hormonal imbalances, depression, anxiety, weight gain , autoimmune disorders, skin conditions, and the list goes on and on! Granted many of these are hereditary but so many can be avoided or kept at bay if we stop the use of toxic chemicals in our foods, body products and even air fresheners and candles.


I'm working towards ridding my house of these products including both cosmetic and cleaning products. It takes time but my point is, those nasty ingredients are what I was breathing in or putting on my body everyday! Imagine the damage I could've avoided! Knowledge is power right? So now as I have saught after the BEST treatment for my condition, I choose Young Living. I know they are NOT one of the companies that claim 100% pure therapeutic but in fact it is only 5% pure. 👈🏽Yes, that's allowed and we fall for it everyday! I know there are cheaper brands out there but Young Living keeps HUMANS in mind when the produce a bottle of oil. That to me is worth every penny!

How can YOU begin Effectively and safely using Essential oils?

Here are some tips when getting started!

- Use a carrier oil (like olive oil, sweet almond oil, or coconut oil) to dilute your essential oil when applying to skin. This isn't always necessary but it's best to start that way to ensure your skin isn't too sensitive!

-Store your oils in a cool, dark place to keep their compounds from altering fun fact: YL oils never expire! Just store them properly.

-Keep oils out of your eyes and ears. If they accidentally get where they shouldn't go, use a carrier oil (not water) to rinse it out

- It's always wise to start slow & small and consult your doctor before use.

- Always put oils in glass. They are incredible at pulling toxins out of things, but if you are going to drink water with EOs in it, you don't want to also drink plastic

-Check the bottle before ingesting an oil to be sure that it is labeled as a "dietary supplement" so you know it is safe for taking internally!

-Always dilute with a carrier oil for kids.

-Only diffuse around newborn. Never apply topically until your little ones are at least 6 months old, and then, dilute heavily! --

-And of course, use Young Living. It's the safest out there!

How do I get my Premium Starter Kit with No Pressure or hidden requirements or fees?

I recommend taking the leap, (which is an easy, fun and exciting leap, but not a big leap!) and purchasing your very own Premium Starter Kit. Why? Because you get so much bang for your buck! No, these oils are not cheap, but neither is the quality, and that is what is important. For a minimum of $160, you get a beautiful diffuser, (worthy of keeping in your living room without clashing with your decor) 11 essential oils, PLUS 10 samples, and 10 dram sample bottles so you can share with your family. That is not only great value but each of the 11 oils are extremely useful to your wellness when used along with other healthy habits.

To get started, follow this link and instructions below.


-Make sure to sign up as a 'Member' to get your 24% member discount. You are under no obligation to sell these oils, you're not signing your life away, you're just purchasing amazing oils for yourself, with the added bonus of wholesale pricing on future purchases.

-choose "member" NOT Retail

-country & Language

- choose diffuser

- deselect Essential rewards for now

- add other products if you'd like or hit next

- your account personal info - choose username /password & pin# (make sure you write it all down - ssn is asked to ensure only one account per person and for tax reasons if you begin to earn commissions but you don't have to

-check box for terms and conditions

- shipping info

- review order & add payment, process

- done!

I can't say enough how much I love these oils! I am diffusing citrus fresh and peppermint right now! ;) Once you place your order, I'll make sure to send you additional resources for getting the most out of your new oils!

When it comes to Massage & Essential Oils, ALWAYS, "Let Your Body Do The Talking!"

In Good Health, Peace and Rejuvination,

Lorin Janae